Data security is defined by the processes and mechanisms in place that prevent data misuse and identify threat risks. However, many biopharmaceutical research data sources, from IP to genomic to mobile, require different levels of security. The reality
is that it matters not where your data exist, but the ways in which data are accessed. Track 13 addresses security services from private to cloud-based systems for academic, government, clinical, and pharmaceutical networks.
Tuesday, May 15
7:00 am Workshop Registration Open (Commonwealth Hall) and Morning Coffee (Foyer)
8:00 – 11:30 Recommended Morning Pre-Conference Workshop*
W6. An Intro to Blockchain in Life Sciences
* Separate registration required.
2:00 – 6:30 Main Conference Registration Open (Commonwealth Hall)
4:00 PLENARY KEYNOTE SESSION (Amphitheater & Harborview 2)
5:00 – 7:00 Welcome Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Commonwealth Hall)
Wednesday, May 16
7:00 am Registration Open (Commonwealth Hall) and Morning Coffee (Foyer)
8:00 PLENARY KEYNOTE SESSION (Amphitheater & Harborview 2)
9:45 Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Commonwealth Hall)
10:50 Chairperson’s Remarks
11:00 Accelerating and Securing Mendelian Patient Diagnosis
Gill Bejerano, PhD, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Developmental Biology & Pediatrics (Medical Genetics), Stanford University
The talk consists of two main parts: I present our efforts to accelerate genetic diagnosis from whole genome data, including our portal at amelie.stanford.edu. I also discuss our recent seminal results (Jagadeesh, et al, Science) in protecting patient
genomes, and their potential implications for the future of genome data sharing.
11:30 Building a Digital Biobank for Military Precision Medicine
Michael Holmes, Lt Col, USAF, MSC, PMP, CPHIMS, Chief, Innovations and Information Technology, Air Force Medical Support Agency, United States Air Force
Ezekiel Maier, PhD, Genomic Data Scientist, Strategic Innovation Group, Booz Allen Hamilton
The Air Force Medical Service is developing a precision medicine platform named the Digital Biobank. The DB will enable scalable and secure storage, and analysis of massive volumes of high-throughput heterogeneous data. The integration and analysis
of genomic data, electronic health records, and other health data holds immense potential for optimizing health and wellness of service members and their beneficiaries.
12:00 pm Genomics-Guided Pathogen Surveillance and Outbreak Response
Hayden Metsky, Graduate Research Assistant, Sabeti Lab, Broad Institute, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Deep sequencing of viral genomes has offered key insights into the evolution and spread of human viral pathogens. I talk in particular about how genome sequencing has informed our understanding of the 2015-2016 Zika virus epidemic on a global scale,
and of a recent mumps outbreak in Massachusetts at a high resolution. But there are many difficulties to overcome in order to realize more effective pathogen surveillance and outbreak response, and I discuss emerging genomic technologies that
offer promising solutions to these challenges.
12:30 Session Break
12:40 Luncheon Presentation (Sponsorship Opportunity Available) or Enjoy Lunch on Your Own
1:40 Session Break
1:50 Chairperson’s Remarks
1:55 Protecting Genome Data Privacy and Security in the Cloud
Shuang Wang, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of California, San Diego
The outsourcing of genome data into public cloud computing settings raises concerns over privacy and security. Significant advancements in secure computation methods have emerged over the past several years. In this presentation, we overview the privacy
risks that are associated with genome data and discuss technical solutions to safeguard genome data analysis in the cloud.
2:25 It’s Raining Exomes: Cloud-Enabled Genomics – Handling >250k Samples
John Penn, MSc, Manager, NGS Data Analysis, Regeneron Genetics Center, Regeneron
Processing, structuring, and analyzing the data for 250k+ exomes requires a scalable and customizable compute framework. Cloud computing provides the adaptable infrastructure to quickly and facilely adjust, add, and modify tools, processes and frameworks
to address any and all challenges that arise in the mass production of genomic data.
2:55 Orion: Delivering Drug Design and Discovery Workfloes in the Cloud
Andy Maynard, Senior Applications Scientist, OpenEye Scientific
Orion is OpenEye's cloud-based drug discovery platform. It unites highly optimised methods for computational drug discovery, developed in the course of delivering innovative scientific solutions to pharmaceutical R&D for over two decades, with
the scale, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of cloud computing. Built cloud-native from the ground up, Orion offers collaborative drug discovery and design capabilities on an unprecedented scale.
3:10 Tibanna - Workflow Automation and Monitoring Solution at 4DNucleome Data Coordination and Integration Center
Soohyun Lee, PhD, Senior Bioinformatics Scientist, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School
Automated execution of genomic workflows on the cloud requires standardization of workflows, real-time monitoring, metadata handling and data-dependent resource optimization. We introduce Tibanna, a cloud-based workflow management system designed
to meet these goals, specifically tailored for the 4D Nucleome (4DN) Data Coordination and Integration Center (DCIC). Tibanna executes containerized workflows described in Common Workflow Language (CWL).
3:25 Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Commonwealth Hall)
4:00 Collaborative Simulation Development Accelerated by Cloud-Based Computing and Software as a Service Model
Howard J. Stamato, MS, Consultant; formerly Associate Director, Drug Product Science and Technology, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Collaborative development of simulations can be enabled by cloud-based computing capability and flexible access to software. Faster development and consumption of models is expected from having a system in which to share the right information in the
right context. A system like this has been proposed for a consortium of pharmaceutical companies and is expected to bring advantages and further efficiencies to delivering medicines for patients.
4:30 Lessons and Questions from Multiple Journeys to Cloud Analytics: An Open Discussion
This is an open panel discussion with members from different companies comparing experiences from different journeys. We hope to make this as interactive as possible, as we discuss lessons learned, flexibility needs, things to watch out for, and open
Lovisa Afzelius, PhD, Senior Vice President, Cogen Therapeutics
Sebastien Lefebvre, Senior Director, Data Analytics & Decision Support, Alexion Pharmaceuticals
Valerie Smith, IT Director, Global Head of R&D, Clinical, and Regulatory IT, Alkermes
Jason Tetrault, Global Head, Data Engineering and Emerging Technology, Takeda Pharmaceuticals
5:00 Overcoming
the Challenges of Sharing and Migrating Large Data Sets in Healthcare and Life Sciences
David Mostardi Senior Engineer, IBM Aspera
Healthcare & research are experiencing unprecedented growth in data. Legacy file sharing & cloud migration tools rely on technology that can’t handle such size and volume. Learn through real-world use cases how IBM Aspera accelerates
R&D cycles, speeds data workflows, and impacts clinical and research outcomes by leveraging multi-cloud and on premises solutions.
5:30 Best of Show Awards Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Commonwealth Hall)
7:00 – 10:00 Bio-IT World After Hours @Lawn on D
Registration Required. Please bring your conference badge, wristband, and photo ID for entry.
Thursday, May 17
7:30 am Registration Open (Commonwealth Hall) and Morning Coffee (Foyer)
8:00 PLENARY KEYNOTE SESSION & AWARDS PROGRAM (Amphitheater & Harborview 2)
9:45 Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall and Poster Competition Winners Announced (Commonwealth Hall)
10:30 Chairperson’s Remarks
Vahan Simonyan, PhD, Lead Scientist & R&D Director, High-Performance Integrated Virtual Environment (HIVE), FDA
10:40 Healthcare Data Exchange Framework: Scalable Economy of Secure Information and Services
Vahan Simonyan, PhD, Lead Scientist & R&D Director, High-Performance Integrated Virtual Environment (HIVE), FDA
This project demonstrates a unique framework that enables digital transformation of healthcare at a scale that was not possible before. Healthcare Data Exchange Framework has a potential to liberate data, empower patient ownership of data and create
a free market where data assetization and securitization might serve as incentives for data sharing.
11:10 Healthcare Security Framework
Jim McGinnis, PhD, Assistant Professor, Engineering Technology, The University of Memphis
Healthcare is in a vulnerable position for infiltration or hacking of data. Sensitive patient data, financial data of the entity and insurance information are just some of the data that needs to be protected. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has provided a Cybersecurity framework for general purposes. In the paper we will research some of the underlying layers of Cybersecurity that pertain to Healthcare. This research hopes to provide a concise framework for healthcare providers to use as a guideline for incorporating their own cybersecurity and to help in engaging cybersecurity third-party companies for assistance. The five layers of the NIST framework, Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond and Recover, leave healthcare organizations with a large amount of inhouse examinations in order to protect the data of the organization. While the organization must be diligent in the protection of the data, use of outside resources is a must in providing the utmost due diligence for the protection of the patient data, financial/insurance data of the patient and the entity as a whole. This document will attempt to build and expound on the NIST framework to provide additional guidance to healthcare providers.
11:40 A Modern Approach to Data Storage for Next Generation Sequencing & Medical Imaging
Steve Noel, Principal Systems Engineer, Qumulo
File storage is a critical component of the life sciences research workflow. For researchers to be able to do their work, their storage must be able to scale to and handle billions of files efficiently. They must also be able to access their research
data from anywhere in the world. Learn how universal-scale file storage allows research organizations to manage massive, globally distributed file sets with ease.
12:10 pm Session Break
12:20 Luncheon Presentation (Sponsorship Opportunity Available) or Enjoy Lunch on Your Own
1:20 Dessert Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Commonwealth Hall)
1:55 Sponsor Introduction
Scott Jeshonek, Director, Cloud Services, Avere Systems
2:05 – 4:00 Panel Session: BioTeam Town Hall: 2018 Bio-IT Trends
Chris Dwan, Senior Technologist and Independent Life Sciences Consultant (Moderator)
Ari Berman, PhD, Vice President and General Manager of Consulting Services, BioTeam, Inc.
Tanya Cashorali, Founder, TCB Analytics
Kristen Cleveland, PMP, Director of Operations, BioTeam, Inc.
Chris Dagdigian, Co-Founder and Senior Director, Infrastructure, BioTeam, Inc.
Karl Gutwin, PhD, Senior Scientific Consultant, BioTeam, Inc.
Adam Kraut, Director of Infrastructure and Cloud Architecture, BioTeam, Inc.
Since 2010, the “Trends in the Trenches” presentation, given by Chris Dagdigian, has been one of the most popular annual traditions on the Bio-IT Program. The intent of the talk was to deliver a candid (and occasionally blunt) assessment
of the best, the worthwhile, and the most overhyped information technologies (IT) for life sciences. The presentation tried to recap the prior year by discussing what has changed (or not) around infrastructure, storage, computing, and networks.
This presentation has helped scientists, leadership, and IT professionals understand the basic topics involved in supporting data intensive science. In 2017, the “Trends in the Trenches” presentation evolved and expanded from 60
minutes to 120 minutes and featured more content, speakers, and interactive discussion. We will continue this format for 2018, featuring short focused podium talks on current trends related to computing, storage/data transfer, networks, cloud,
and managing successful IT projects. An interactive Q&A moderated discussion with the audience follows. Come prepared with your questions and commentary for this informative and lively session.
4:00 Conference Adjourns