Exhibit hall adventures in VR

Book signings by author Joseph C. Kvedar, MD

Google Cloud presenting their technology at their exhibit hall booth

The Best of Show Awards Ceremony

The winners of the 2019 Best of Show Awards

Genedata, winners of a Best of Show Award

An interview with PetaGene following their Best of Show Award win

Ontoforce, winners of a Best of Show Award

Kanda, winners of a Best of Show Award

Genomenon, winners of a Best of Show Award

PetaGene, winners of a Best of Show Award

Participants in the FAIR Data Hackathon

FAIR Data Hackathon Participants working together to advance FAIR data principles

FAIR Data Hackathon teams each worked on a unique real-world data set

Conference Director Cindy Crowninshield welcomes attendees to Bio-IT World 2019

John Wilbanks addressing a packed amphitheater during the opening Plenary Keynote Session

The Exhibit Hall hosted an Opening Networking Reception filled with conversation and collaboration

Plenary Keynote Speaker John Wilbanks speaking with attendees at Meet the Experts

Day 1 of Bio-IT World 2019 ended with an attendee networking reception

Jason Stowe welcomes attendees to the Plenary Keynote Panel on Day 2 of Bio-IT World

The AI in Practice Plenary Keynote Panel Discussion tackled opportunities, challenges, and ethics of AI in life sciences

Plenary Keynote Panelist Anne Carpenter, PhD meets with attendees at Meet the Experts

1-on-1 Networking in the exhibit hall

Bioinformatics Organization’s Benjamin Franklin Open Access Award winner, Eugene Koonin (NCBI colleague accepting the award on his behalf)

The presentation of the inaugural Innovative Practices Awards at Bio-IT World

AbbVie receiving their Innovative Practices Award

Linguimatics receiving their Innovative Practices Award

Sentieon receiving their Innovative Practices Award

Vijay Bulusu delivering his Plenary Keynote Presentation on the final day of Bio-IT World

Plenary Keynote Presenter Vijay Bulusu meeting attendees at Meet the Experts

Networking discussions were frequent in the Exhibit Hall

Winners of the Bio-IT World Poster Competition

Winners of the Bio-IT World Poster Competition

A research team giving a poster presentation

Attendees listening to a Solutions Theater presentation in the exhibit hall

Chris Dagdigian giving his “Trends from the Trenches” Keynote Presentation