To store and compute data, specific hardware components and integration technologies are needed to support this, including workstations, computer accessories and peripherals, and network distribution and accessories. Track 3 presents case studies from
biopharma organizations, medical device companies, informatics companies, research institutions, national laboratories, and supercomputer centers on computer hardware engineering, integration strategies, security considerations, and network services
that are needed for communicating, interacting or mediating data between each other on a computer network.
Tuesday, May 23
7:00 am Workshop Registration and Morning Coffee
8:00 – 11:30 Recommended Morning Pre-Conference Workshops*
(W2) An Intro to Blockchain in Life Sciences
12:30 – 4:00 pm Recommended Afternoon Pre-Conference Workshops*
(W10) Designing Storage Solutions for Life Sciences
* Separate registration required.
2:00 – 6:00 Main Conference Registration Open
5:00 – 7:00 Welcome Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
Wednesday, May 24
7:00 am Registration Open and Morning Coffee
9:50 Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
10:50 Chairperson’s Remarks
Tom Johnson, Senior Director, Healthcare and Life Sciences Solutions, Exostar
11:00 Science DMZ and Security around Moving Data between Sites
Eli Dart, Network Engineer on Science DMZ, ESNET
The Science DMZ model describes a performance-oriented approach to network architecture, network design, network security, and performance engineering. It has been the basis of many successful IT infrastructure projects which support data-intensive science. This talk will describe the Science DMZ model, with an emphasis on security aspects.
11:30 End-To-End Asymmetric Encryption of Biomedical Data In-Transit and At-Rest
Ryan Harrison, Ph.D., Head of Engineering, BioBright
We present a workflow for the end-to-end asymmetric encryption of biomedical data, that goes well beyond the typical (not encrypted at all) and conscientious (HTTPS/SSL in-transit, AES-256 at-rest) laboratory use-cases. The pipeline, which is commercially
available to selected customers, allows the option of customizable metadata extraction, allowing efficient lab-workflow-related search to coexist with at-rest encryption.
12:00 pm Networking and Data Transfer in the Modern Life Sciences and Healthcare Era
Ari E. Berman, Ph.D., Vice President and General Manager of Consulting Services, BioTeam, Inc.
Data generation throughout the life sciences research and healthcare domains has risen at a rate far beyond that predicted by Moore's Law. As a result, organizations are accumulating 10's to 100's of petabytes (PB) of data, spending millions on storage systems, and doing it all in a manner consistent with out of date IT practices and policies. These practices include little to no data management, ineffective or non-existent data lifecycle policies, no metadata standards, and a dependence on network infrastructure and services that are unrealistic and unsustainable. In this presentation, we will discuss the general scope of the data generation landscape in Life Sciences as well as review generalized networking and security solutions that have successfully supported research missions throughout the industry and enable the of movement and sharing large amounts of data effectively and sustainably.
12:30 Session Break
12:40 Luncheon Presentation (Sponsorship Opportunity Available) or Enjoy Lunch on Your Own
1:40 Session Break
1:50 Chairperson’s Remarks
Sanjay Joshi, CTO, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Dell EMC Emerging Technologies
1:55 Connected Health: A Collaboration and Integration Story
David Delaney, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Healthcare Sector, SAP
Sanjay Joshi, CTO, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Dell EMC Emerging Technologies
Across the globe, the value of unlocking data is top of mind and progressing rapidly. However, for a variety of reasons, most health data continues to reside in silos. Creating a truly connected health ecosystem, with the patient’s interest
and outcome at the center, will ensure that the bridge from Research Insights to Clinical Utility will get shorter. One side of the fence is historical data, registries and image archives while the other side includes clinical databases in
genomics, proteomics, biomarkers and clinical decision support. Handling this content relies on the entire gamut of infrastructure: HPC; Data Security and Governance, In-Memory Analytics, Apps and Databases; Near-Line distributed archives
with fast networking; and WAN connectivity to Hybrid and Public Clouds. SAP and Dell EMC will present real use-cases that include the Hadoop and Analytics ecosystem with specialized databases, and user access in a collaborative ecosystem.
2:25 PANEL DISCUSSION: The Medical Device and IoT Ecosystem: Data Mediation and Understanding beyond Networks and Networked Hardware
Sanjay Joshi, CTO, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Dell EMC Emerging Technologies
Manoj Dadlani, MEng, CEO, CosmosID
Todd Gray, CEO, autonomous_ID
Neel Nabar, M.D., Ph.D., Karolinska Fellow, Fauci Lab, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Dinesh Shah, MD, FACC, FSCAI, Cardiologist; CEO and Medical Director, Michigan Physicians Group; Co-Founder and Medical
Director, Real 3D Polymer
Stanley Yang, CEO, NeuroSky, Inc.
Just beyond the current buzz in genomics is the "continuous integration" challenge of various devices that link to the phenotype. From the microbiome analytics to metabolomics sensors to gait and posture based ID to brain and muscle waves
to immunology, we have assembled a stellar panel to discuss the real-world issues of data wrangling, cleansing and use.
3:25 Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
4:00 Computational Approaches to Cancer: Cooperation between India and the United States
Kenneth Buetow, Ph.D., Director, Computational Sciences and Informatics, Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative (CASI), Arizona State University
Timothy Lance, Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus, University at Albany; President Emeritus and Chief Research Officer, NYSERNet
Amit Saxena, Senior Technical Officer, Bioinformatics Group, C-DAC
Anil Srivastava, President, Open Health Systems Laboratory (OHSL)
IUCKA: Indo-US Cancer Knowledge Alliance is being designed as an integrated biomedical informatics cyberinfrastructure for cancer treatment and research in India. It will be a true translational research platform from bench to bedside connecting
cancer treatment and research centers across the country with access and connection to global centers of research, especially in the United States. IUCKA is being implemented as a PPP (public private partnership) and is bringing together
technology products and service providers and cancer treatment and research centers in an ecosystem to directly benefit cancer patients in India and contribute to global research collaboration, especially between cancer centers in India.
ICTBioMed is a group of life sciences supercomputing centers brought together by OSHL. ICTBioMed members have been working together for almost four years to create a shared global cyberinfrastructure as a seamless and friction-free platform
for the researchers worldwide for their collaborative research in consistent with the tenets of team science. The backbone research and education network in India and the United States are now connected by a direct 5+5 gig optical fiber
links between Mumbai and New York making it possible for cooperation in biomedical research leveraging computational biology in a big way. OHSL and its IUCKA and ICTBioMed initiatives are playing a big role in this area. This panel session
will discuss the biomedical applications and hardware engineering components, as well as the status, plans and prospects for US-India collaboration.
5:30 – 6:30 15th Anniversary Celebration in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing and Best of Show Awards
Thursday, May 25
7:00 am Registration Open and Morning Coffee
8:05 Benjamin Franklin Awards and Laureate Presentation
8:35 Best Practices Awards Program
8:50 Plenary Keynote
9:45 Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall and Poster Competition Winners Announced
10:30 Chairperson’s Remarks
Arvindh Lalam, Founder and CEO, Fusion Memory
10:40 Modern View of Supercomputing and the Convergence with Data Science
Thomas Schulthess, Ph.D., Director, Swiss National Computing Centre (CSCS)
11:10 Keeping Afloat with Data and Compute Intensive HPC Workloads
Scott Yockel, Ph.D., Senior Team Lead of HPC, FAS Research Computing, Harvard University
For years, scientists have been using the latest technology to create and analyze data. In the first era, numerically intensive computations from traditional HPC disciplines like chemistry and physics created large amounts of data. Once the Internet took off, researchers had the ability to download large data sets from external repositories and the dawn of data-intensive research began. In the third era, scientific instruments began to overwhelm the instrument-attached computer, thus a need arose for a cluster of computers to process data. This creates a type of data velocity that is both numerical and data intensive, and it creates a rate of research productivity that must be maintained from a storage and compute standpoint. In this talk, I’ll present examples of these three eras and how Harvard Research Computing has been tackling each one and what the future holds.
11:40 Bringing Compute and Data Together: Challenges and Opportunities in the Data Era
Arvindh Lalam, Founder and CEO, Fusion Memory
In the data era, insights are the new currency. As we are inundated with data, extracting insights has become more and more challenging. In order to address these challenges, the traditional IT infrastructure model is gradually giving
way to Cloud Infrastructure and Edge Infrastructure. This talk will delve into what the emerging paradigms mean for the data generators and compute elements and highlight challenges and opportunities in this space.
12:10 Enjoy Lunch on Your Own
1:20 Dessert Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
1:55 Chairperson’s Remarks
Chris Dwan, Senior Technologist and Independent Consultant
2:00 BioTeam Micro-Symposium: 2017 Bio-IT Trends
Chris Dwan, Senior Technologist and Independent Consultant (Moderator)
Ari E. Berman, Ph.D., Vice President and General Manager of Consulting Services, BioTeam, Inc.
Chris Dagdigian, Founding Partner & Director, Technology, BioTeam, Inc.
Aaron Gardner, Senior Scientific Consultant, BioTeam, Inc.
Adam Kraut, Director of Infrastructure and Cloud Architecture, BioTeam, Inc.
Asya Shklyar, Senior Scientific Consultant, Infrastructure, BioTeam, Inc.
Since 2010, the “Trends in the Trenches” presentation, given by Chris Dagdigian, has been one of the most popular annual traditions on the Bio-IT Program. The intent of the talk was to deliver a candid (and occasionally blunt)
assessment of the best, the worthwhile, and the most overhyped information technologies (IT) for life sciences. The presentation tried to recap the prior year by discussing what has changed (or not) around infrastructure, storage,
computing, and networks. This presentation has helped scientists, leadership, and IT professionals understand the basic topics involved in supporting data intensive science. For 2017, the “Trends in the Trenches” presentation
will evolve and expand from 60-minutes to 120-minutes and feature more content, speakers, and interactive discussion. Short focused podium talks on current trends related to computing, storage/data transfer, networks, and cloud will
be presented. A Q&A moderated discussion follows. Come prepared with your questions and commentary for this informative and lively session.
4:00 Conference Adjourns