Sponsorship, Exhibit and Lead Generation

CHI offers sponsorships which will maximize your exposure before, during and after each event. We can help you achieve your goals by customizing a package that meets with your objectives and provide you with an integrated marketing program for the entire year. Opportunities include but are not limited to exhibits, presentations, branding, targeted delegate dinners and webinars utilizing our extensive database of over 800,000 Life Sciences professionals.


2024 In-Person Attendee Demographics

Attenddee Demographics
Attenddee Demographics
Attenddee Demographics

Key Marketing Deadlines

Preliminary Agenda Deadline: Friday, November 12
Promoted heavily through email & social media.

Final (Print) Agenda Deadline: Friday, December 3
Mailed to 100,000 targeted prospects! Meeting the print deadline will maximize your exposure (& ROI)!

Brochure Mailing: 100,000 copies – Deadline: December 3, 2021
Weekly Social Media Campaigns on LinkedIn and Twitter to over 50,000 followers (TRI-CON and Bio-IT World combined)

Email campaigns: 150+ email campaigns
6 million total impressions to the website (not unique)
Weekly Promotion Bio-IT World – 35,000 subscribers total

For more information on sponsorship, please contact:

Rod Eymael

Companies A-F

Rod Eymael
Business Development Manager
(781) 247-6286
Aimee Croke

Companies G-Z

Aimee Croke
Business Development Manager
(781) 292-0777


Ways to Participate

Conference Tracks

Data Platforms & Storage Infrastructure